Wednesday, October 25, 2006

You know you've been in Japan for too long when (Part III)

I thought this toilet was an urban legnd but I dont' dare to try the "music button"...

I was going to write about how elegant japanese woman are and that I kind of feel like Marylin Manson who just entered a perfect pink world, but then I got these flip flops as a birth day gift so I think I'll do it another time...

Every photo of the people at the lab have some kind of "rabbit move". I don't dare to ask them why or what i means, but could please anyone explain what this is? Should I start doing this?

I managed to go to the bank alone today and get my refund. My advice is; learn japanese before you go to the bank. Last time I was at the bank, they lady bowed so I bowed back and my intention was not to stop until she'd stop. So we keept on bowing back and forward for 5 minutes. It was a competition of last man standing. But I have up and the bank lady won... Please don't do this when you're at the bank, probably the bank lady has a boss who's watching her and she won't giv up until you give up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! Your blog could be turned into a great comedy film.

11:47 p.m.  
Blogger Diana Chavlah said...

Sofia Coppola actually made it when she wrote "Lost in translation". She missed many good parts but she acutally catched many good parts as well.

The best thing about the movie that she caught is the translation part. You go to a place, the japanese keeps on talking for 5 minutes and you get a 10 second translation. Something must be lost in translation.

10:26 a.m.  

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