Saturday, October 07, 2006

Retired? No, I'm not tired

Old people work here. Back in Europe, people complain about how tired they are and how theirs shoulders hurt. How awful and stressful it is to combine the family life with the profession life. People are “worn out” and tired, 40 hour working week is terrible, make it 20 instead. Retired people “have the right not to work so why should they work” even though they are perfectly healthy?

The old ladies who’s gardening the university park are really cute in so many ways. They clean the garden, have green tea breaks together and work with enthusiasm. The times I’ve been complaining, I’ve felt really awful.

I’m twice their size and half their age, but still, they’re working harder and they never complain. They just do the job. Same thing with old ladies at the supermarket…

The old ladies should be sent on a field trip to Europe to teach us some working moral.


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