Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Too much ado about nothing.

Japanese are really funny sometimes. Like for example now when I just asked if anyone had a painkiller for my headache. The whole lab gathered around, looked in their boxes for pills and medications. Read everything there was to read on the boxes, asked each other for advices, and looked at the internet. They just stopped working for half an hour and started a huge debate about which painkiller I should take or not. Everyone in this lab knew that I had a head ache and everyone was involved. If I would have known that that would have happened, then I would never have asked for a painkiller. I felt like a character in “Seinfeld”. Finally, they picked up the big pharmaceutical box and agreed on the fact that I should take…salicylic acid. I just smiled and thanked them. (I guess that the only ones who will understand this joke are pharmacists).
It’s really the thought that counts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bara salicylsyra?
Hm. Förstår att det inte verkade vidare bra. Acetylsalicylsyra hade nog hjälpt bättre.

9:15 a.m.  
Blogger Diana Chavlah said...

Jag reagerade också på det. De sa salicylsyra men jag tror de menade ASA.
Vad har du förresten för typ av blogg?

4:43 p.m.  

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